Mr. Napier
on December 13, 2019
My last extract. 2.9g off 250g of ACRB
Dimension: 4160 x 3120
File Size: 5.3 Mb
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Mr. Napier
Never tried MHRB. my friends use it and it seems like they get a less oily pull than i do but that's likely because i made my heat baths too hot. ACRB is all i could find In my area at the time.
Like December 13, 2019
Mr. Napier
Ive got friends that swear by one or the other. I mean if you're getting the same product who cares imo. Some people say you get better yield off MHRB then ive talked to other people that say they get bette yield off ACRB it all depends on the tek and the physical attributes of your bark IMO but im ... View More
Like December 13, 2019
So can the same teks be used for acrb as ive been using for my mhrb I been doing the stb tek
Like December 13, 2019
Mr. Napier
Yeah they're similar. Should be fine but maybe read a couple teks to understand the difference.
Like December 14, 2019