on December 10, 2019
Got approved for a house in the rainforest today! It'll be so nice to come back to this place and not the city when I get back from out west in the New Year! Can't wait!
Dimension: 1200 x 694
File Size: 1.41 Mb
27 people like this.
Headknock Howie
Sweet, in the hinterland
Like December 11, 2019 Edited
That's so cool, this is where your gonna live ?! Oh im jealous
Like December 11, 2019
@howie - Yep I'm moving into the Hinterland. Still only a 40 minute drive to the city so best of both worlds!
Like December 12, 2019
I'm about 1.5 hours north of Nimbin. Nimbin is a great place. I backed my car into someone elses at a fuel station there once and I swear Nimbin is the only place in the world where you'd get a hug after that! The guy got out and was like "it's sweet. Its only a car" and hugged me! Craz... View More
Like December 12, 2019 Edited