Solagraphic Ink
on November 27, 2019
I started to design full sleeve tattoo for myself today. I started with my wrist and working up my arm. The single flower from a bees-eye-view is Datura stramonium, and three belladonna flowers beneath her signifying the 3 Fates of the Moirai- one of which, Atropos, is the Fate that cuts the cord of life at the time of one's death, and thats what belladonna's scientific name in Latin signifies- Atropa belladonna. The other 2 Fates are Lachesis (the Will and determination of thread's length) and Clotho (spins the thread of life). The nightshade plants are spiritual allies of mine. She's Cold as Life but the best of teachers and allies. 4 belladonna berries accompany it to signify the bittersweet nature of physical manifestation (because 4 is a number of Earth). Thats all i have on it so far but im sure there will be some of the pther sacred plants too. She just tends to dominate here because she and I are one. The griffin is a tattoo i already had i just incorporated it into it for when it gets done. Notice the scent is transforming the griffin. The griffin is half lion half hawk. Symbolizes the earthy natures mixing with the higher spirit
Dimension: 2448 x 3264
File Size: 1.8 Mb
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