on November 25, 2019
Dear Friends ????☀????
My name is Robert Hamdan. In Arabic I am also called Nadim(e) ????
I am 28 years old and grew up in Germany and Lebanon. Born in Stuttgart, but looking for a new home. Lucerne is currently in the top selection ????????
At the moment I'm on my world tour????????
Next week we will go to Colombia to a Retreat (OMG just thinking about it I get so Happy ????) Personally, I believe in spirituality, that everything is connected and the law of attraction. With this base, I work for a charity project, among others as a "Facilitator" with the name #ProjectWhitelist
The Goal of this project is a clean earth ????????
The "transcendent purpose" is world peace ☮????????????????
I am very grateful for this room here and the tip from Dave. Not only that we can get the necessary resources for the #ProjectWhitelist through this system, also the necessary community can be networked through this. However, the most valuable thing for me is the positive energy in this room here ????❤ ???????????????????????? ????
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4 people like this.
there used to be a lot of very nice smile 1f600.png
Like November 25, 2019
Hellooooo from the heartland of the United States.
Like November 25, 2019
Here i am shocked to see that the sun, heart and peace emojis actually work.
Like November 25, 2019