on November 24, 2019
100g mimosa first pull on gordo, still dont know why people knock gordotek
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Ill get this amount of crystal from root bark in 6 hours total, from grinding the bark down to smoking the finish product, ive seen heaps of variations tho lately of gordo woth different times ect
Like November 24, 2019
Those are some white ass crystals! Id like to try this method some time too. I use a slightly modified version of the STB method that Willy Myco posted on youtube and even pulling with fresh heptane my crystals arent that white. What solvent did you use?
Like November 24, 2019
Also if you dont mind me prying, what was your total yeild from 100g?
Like November 24, 2019
I used naptha as my solvent and havent done all my pulls yet, gordo allows for up to 4 pulls, ill get about 2g-2.5g in total, not the largest amount but crystals are always extremely pure
Like November 25, 2019