on November 20, 2019
Can anyone tell me if this is good dmt or not? This is my frienfs not mine. That i may be trying first before i make my own. It jusy looks different from what ive seen online. Thank you
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 5.88 Mb
4 people like this.
you may or may not know: semicolons are used to suppress an output or end a ststement in code,
Like November 20, 2019
Odd that the space a colon are needed. Find that with trial and error?
Like November 20, 2019
Yep, good old fuzzing for the win 1f642.png My career has mostly been in IT/development btw 1f609.png - Ive actually been thinking of creating a new github account just to share stuff here without fully identifying myself lol. I love just writing sometimes. I was borer at work one day, and left my puzzles at home, ... View More
Like November 20, 2019 Edited
Okay, i thought i remembered you saying you were IT or something similar. Your simulator sounds really cool!
Like November 20, 2019