on November 17, 2019
I recently had this San Pedro cactus gifted to me. Its been wrapped in paper for a while. Id like to pot it soon. Any tips? Should I cut it? Whats best for soil drainage? Its about 1.3m’s in length. Some of it is sunburnt. Its still growing even though its been in paper for a while now. I live in Australia and its the middle of summer (temp is 35C or 95F). Im not sure if I should stick it outside after potting it as its been indoors for so long in the paper. Any help to keep it alive and in good condition would be great.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 7.2 Mb
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Break off that second growth. Allow to dry. Then stick both down pieces in separate pots. Keep inside for a few weeks.. Misting every few days. After that you can place outside if you have a shady spot. Wait until it is rooted before placing in direct sun.. It does love this, but not without a root ... View More
Like November 17, 2019
You could even cut the longer piece into two.. Giving you 3 starts.
Like November 17, 2019
@talent Thank you. How long does it take to get roots?
Like November 17, 2019
It should be rooted in a month. Too many variables to consider guess.. But I can say its super easy.. Ive never had a san pedro clone fail. No rooting hormone neccessary.
Like November 17, 2019