Maxatrillion Fatstacks
on November 16, 2019
I did it on one of my drawings too and it had interesting results. Which version do you guys like best? Do you think artwork partially done by a machine is still valid? would you pay money for such artwork to hang on your wall or wear on a t shirt?
Dimension: 960 x 960
File Size: 254.95 Kb
4 people like this.
A computer phone or app is just another tool. It doesn’t create the art, it just facilitates you creating. Most of my art is ink on paper then finished on the computer.
Like November 16, 2019
T rex ophora
Totally valid, however u bring your art to life is part of the process. Create something unique and the value is in the connection it has to others! Im loving this stuff as well!
Like November 16, 2019
I want to say the only invalid art is stealing someone elses stuff amd calling it your own. But even then there could be art there too lol. Using tools is definitely okay.
Like November 16, 2019