Solagraphic Ink
on October 26, 2019
A few years back i made this balm based on the Huichol legend of Kieri. There are different versions of what Kieri was. Some said that it was the spirit of the Solandra plant, others say the Datura inoxia. Then there is a third view that the Kieri is expressed in both; a more benign aspect of Kieri through the Solandra, and a darker aspect of Kieri through the D. inoxia. I tend to agree with the third idea.
Dimension: 1279 x 1443
File Size: 699.19 Kb
3 people like this.
Like October 26, 2019
What does that do?
Like October 26, 2019
Solagraphic Ink
There were a variety of uses but generally they were used in combination with meditation and dream work. They are not strong enough to bring the hallucinogenic experience associated with datura and the nightshade family, but there are many other ways to work with the nightshade plants other than the... View More
Like October 26, 2019