on October 21, 2019
Arent you willing to proceed to Heavens afterlife? Or you just want to get reincarnated and suffer Cruelty, Violence, Hatred, Selfish, Fear Humanoid and remain embracing it from Planet Earth(Hell)
Dimension: 550 x 856
File Size: 107.85 Kb
4 people like this.
Fever dream
Why not a little bit of everything embrace it all experince every bit and if it feels nice do it twice
Like October 21, 2019
Nah cant just sit and watch the sleepers used by their own Goverments to be as Naive Zombies
Like October 21, 2019
If heaven is eternity with a psyco-sociopathic unfeeling but “all knowing” god... you can miss me with that lame... eternity in a box with a madman... yay... i cant stand my own family for a full Thanksgiving weekend...
Like October 21, 2019
Not a fan of the judeo-christian madness, agnostic... anyone who absolutely knows something ti be 100% truth, is the one thing they will end up knowing nothing about... i think.. im proly wrong there too1f642.png
Like October 21, 2019