on October 15, 2019
Dimension: 534 x 535
File Size: 50.7 Kb
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Yea Salvia is not anything id have the urge to do again. Strange, maybe in a tea or some other way of ingesting. But not fond of the drooling on myself and body feeling like little springs all over me haha but for sure try!
Like October 17, 2019
Like October 18, 2019
Story of my life
Like October 22, 2019
Kimama Magaskawee
I also never tried Salvia.. But I have original Salvia from Serbia here.. How can I use it.. Just smoke... Just use it to cleane my house and me from negative Energie.. Also palo santo.. One time I smoke palo santo, but I get no effect...
Like October 22, 2019 Edited