on October 2, 2019
Hey everyone! My name is Daniel. Sending you all blessings of love. How many of you here have sat in Ayahuasca Ceremony? What did you or didnt you like about your experence? Did you feel safe? I ask because im opening a retreat center and i would love to get feed back from others who have had experences in different parts of the world to better understand our approaches to working with the plant teachers. Our main approach is focused on the intergration of those plant ceremony experiences into our daily lives. We also focus on the intergration of the old and new cultures through connecting the dots of astronomy and lunar phases... our 2 week retreats start 7 days out from the full moon invoking the chakra energies with intention each day through yogic practices, meditation, asanas, mantra and sounding specific frequencies,smell frequencies, and foods corresponding with the particular chakra... while also studying the mayan calendar (were located at the base of san pedro volcano in Guatemala close to santiago on lake atitlan so we love and are blessed to offer tradional mayan ceremony durring the year with the real mayan elders or Tatas) and vedic calendars. This is just the tip of the iceberg...
Im here to open conversations about how we can serve humanity hear at the peaceful valley from a heartfelt center with the needs of people who are seeking to work with these different plant teachers being met, and hearing from as many perspectives as possible. If you're interested in checking out our retreats go to to see our 2020 schedlue.
Happy Tuesday!!!
From my heart to yours,
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21 people like this.
Im diggin the finger tattoos.
Like October 2, 2019
Like November 21, 2019
I would love to work with you guys,,,
Like November 21, 2019