Just Me
on September 27, 2019
Anyone know what this gelatinous layer its is?
This was my first time trying the heat freeze method. On the 2nd pull i lost all my naptha so no luck getting it back i out more in 300ml first time and 300ml 2nd time. Both time it got lost in the jar.
I separated into 2 jars and got them to separate. It looks like there is some funky layer in there i dont ever recall seeing before. Anyone one tell me what im looking at?
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.08 Mb
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Just Me
Thanks for the replys. Heat and vibrations was how i got it to separate. I put it on my magnetic stirier hot plate turned up the heat and turned on the magnet which gave it a motor like vibration. I took it from one big jar to 2 now there's almost 800ml of naptha showing after the separation, ki... View More
Like September 28, 2019
If you set the jar in the fridge for 4-6 hours the gelatinous(aqueous layer) will drop out. Then pull the naptha off. When you freeze you will end up with beautiful white crystals. Then repeat the process. Its all good. Always remeber the molecule is never gone or lost. Can always recover and recoup... View More
Like October 4, 2019
Just Me
Yes i actually left it out for a day to sit and it all settled back down into the mix
Like October 8, 2019
you cant lose your naptha in there completely. your liquid is probly just too thick. water it down thinner and it will separate.
Like October 8, 2019