on April 18, 2019
I sowed a load of phalaris arundinacea in March. They are just starting to appear. I guess it's going to be a while before there is enough to try anything with, I'll update in a few months.
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The new growth is said to have upward of 1% DMT fresh, if you harvest it in the morning. The amount of DMT drops rapidly, so I would advise putting it straight in the blender asap and working on it immediately. Make sure you chop it up before you blend it or it can get tangled up and blow the motor.... View More
Like April 18, 2019
I read that it blends better if you freeze it first. 1f642.png
Like April 18, 2019
@Sukhrajs i found this online a year ago. I was curious as well. Part??????  ??????  ??????  ??????  ??????  ?????? ?????? ??????  ?????? ??????  % total alkaloid??????  ?????? ?????? by dry weight. ??????  ?????? ?????? ??????  ??????  ?????? Greenhouse??????  ?????? ?????? Field Leaf tip ??????  ... View More
Like April 18, 2019
Thanx for giving me good information
Like April 19, 2019