on September 14, 2019
I’m desperate for some help!! I used lye and napha to separate my DMT. When I safe – the Napa solution… And place it in a Pyrex jar to go in the freezer, I get crystals forming but I can’t evaporate the Napa Foley and my crystals end up melting. I need some help. I need some tips on fully evaporating nap for while still in the freezer. Anybody have any tips or suggestions?
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What tek are you using?
Like September 14, 2019
If it’s melting then it’s most likely not dmt. The stuff in your pyrex looks like oils. I hope you got the right rb to start with. Make sure your mixture is hot and make sure you mix the naptha very well through the mixture for a good 10-20 minutes. As for the naptha being clear, mine is always clea... View More
Like September 14, 2019
Also, when you ready to harvest the crystals don’t bother with the turkey baster. Just poor the naptha back into your collection jar and then let the dmt dry. You can use a fan to quicken it or just let it sit for an hour.
Like September 14, 2019
Try Gordo Tek. Safest and easist method IMO.
Like September 14, 2019