You only have one job, maybe we call it finding a purpose to life, or why does this incarnate hold my consciousness? The idea of this question exists within every being holding space within this physical plane, the existential question. Some may grasp at external material things, to distract ourselves from the impossible, and allow us to hold onto the absolute reality with the fervor of conviction. Others may allow the ego to overreach and drive, harming themselves and others around them. Life is not meant to be easy, we are born with challenges, or programmed to create them. These challenges are paths, and they lead to the same place, mind you, some are rugged and dam right scary, but the end result is the same. A permanently evolving being! So next time you think your less, or more, remember, we are all on the same path, yes the illusion is fitting, and crafty, I am special, different, my problems matter!The awareness of this idea, allows you to see the pain and suffering each individual goes thru, this also creates a problem, it blinds you to the purpose of life. To save yourself from yourself. That's really it! Could it be said that’s its a simple act, is so, why is the planet not filled with Buddha’s? Maybe we don’t carry over our failures, and only the advancement is ingrained within our higher consciousness, and then set to repeat these failures over and over, until we get it right. Life does this too, it throws the same challenges our way, but just the cover of the book has changed, sometimes the same cover comes up, and we do recognize it, and with that, we close the chapter.All storylines have 2 sides to the story, a fantastic but frustrating game is played, where only one side is shown. Life cannot speak for its self, instead, it uses the heart.Those that listen, have the advantage, is it kind, does it help, is it true.
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