on August 28, 2019
Not to bad for the first pull acacia 250g
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.12 Mb
20 people like this.
Australian Acacia plant or sourced?
Like August 28, 2019
Ozric Starshine
The residue is most likely plant fats and alkaloids. Not a bad thing to scrape it up too
Like August 28, 2019
Yer it is partly still drying but also a light layer of fats i pick out the Crystals then wash the tray to get rid of them the next run i scrap the fats and crystals together and add 1ml of propylene glycol lightly heated then vape it the clean white crystals i leave for friends that might want to t... View More
Like August 29, 2019