on August 26, 2019
Just wanted to introduce my self and say hey to the group. I found out about this place through MycoMadness plug in his youtube series. Just started watching those and big props go out to him for what hes doing. One month ago today I started in this journey and man its been an everyday ordeal ever since. In a good way. Very satisfying and self healing. I have always been good with growing and maintain a huge garden and keep a greenhouse going too. I have no idea why ive waited so long to jump into the myco world but for some reason it always seemed unattainable to grow these things which ive always loved. Its funny i started in this thing when the shroomery was down but i just kind of winged it and just been sensibly clean and sterile and so far ive not had a problem with contam. Im sure ill run into it here and there but the higher power has blessed me so far. Ive been using brokeboi tek spawning in pints and quarts then to shoeboxes. Been using 1 quart spawn/2quarts(damiontek)sub per shoebox and been going pretty much straight into fruiting once i box up. Ive got 8 boxes going and about 20 quarts in different phases of spawning. Ive been doing a couple boxes about every 2 mornings.Ive been inoculating 3 quarts of new jars every 3 mornings so ive got a little system going. My first box started pinning Saturday morning and second one had baby pins yesteday morning. Its hard to describe how excited to finally get pins is but i know you all are familiar with that feeling. Ive got a horse friend so ive already been gathering substrate from her but havent used it yet and will probably wait to use it on varieties other than cubes but still unsure of that yet. Anyway hope everyone has had a great day and look forward to kickin' it around here with yall. Here is the first box that started pinning Saturday. Not too bad for a greenhorn! (sorry about image quality, camera on phone is cracked so i took this with a tablet.) These are South African Transkei btw.
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 906.6 Kb
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Welcome to the wildside, your credentials are excellent!
Like August 26, 2019
Welcome home lmao
Like August 27, 2019