Prime Bark
on August 21, 2019
I started with 1kg of Mimosa Hostilis root bark and on my first pull I yielded 19.55 grams, the second pull 3.93g
For those interested in my tek, please join the tek's group here
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.27 Mb
19 people like this.
We have a group already for anyone to post a tek. 1f61b.png
Like August 21, 2019
Prime Bark
We now have a group called Macro Tek where we discuss this tek
Like February 4, 2020
Lysergic Lateralus
Wow over 2%!!! What an incredible yield.
Like February 14, 2020
Prime Bark
That was just on the first pull One love
Like February 14, 2020