Dick Tracy
on August 17, 2019
I wished i seen post a couple day ago about the pan cyan print giveaway.i just cloned a fig tree i grew when i was 8 years old.i am 36 now.
Dimension: 1024 x 1024
File Size: 820.47 Kb
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Hey would you consider taking me through what you did to clone that? I have an avocado tree and I want to swipe the top half off and root it the only way I know to do it is to use rooting hormone or willow bark concentrate
Like August 17, 2019
Dick Tracy
Clonex gel thats all ima say its worth it, you will love it. You will clone everything you have lol.
Like August 17, 2019
Yup i use clone X in my aero mist system took my kratom clomes from 15% success rate to about 60%
Like August 18, 2019
Dick Tracy
Gave me idea
Like August 18, 2019