on August 10, 2019
Excerpt from Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult.
Banishing is a way of preparing a space for ritual use. There are many elaborate banishing rituals available, ranging across the full spectrum of pomposity. Think of banishing as the installation of virus protection software. The banishing is a kind of vaccination against infection from Beyond.
Most banishings are intended to surround the magician with an impenetrable shield of will. This usually takes the form of an acknowledgment of the elemental powers at the four cardinal points of the compass. Some like to visualize themselves surrounded and protected by columns of light or by four angels. Any protective image will do—spaceships, superheroes, warrior-monks, whatever. I don’t bother with any of that, and usually visualize a bubble radiating outwards from my body into space all around, above and below me as far as I think I’ll need it.
Why the need for protection?
Remember that you may be opening some part of yourself to an influx of information from “non­ordinary,” apparently “Other” sources. If you practice ceremonial magic and attempt to summon godforms or spirits, things will undoubtedly happen. Your foundations will be tested. There is always the danger of obsession and madness. As magical work progresses, you will be forced into confrontation with your deepest darkest fears and desires. It’s easy to become scared, paranoid and stupid. Stay fluid, cling to no one self-image and maintain your sense of humor at all times. Genuine laughter is the most effective banishing ritual available.
Banishing reminds you that no matter how many gods you talk to, no matter how many fluorescent realms you visit, you still have to come home, take a shit, be able to cook dinner, water the plants and, most importantly, talk to people without scaring them.
When you complete any magical work, ground yourself with a good laugh, a good meal, good shag, a run, or anything else that connects you with the mundane world. Banishing after your ritual is over works as a decompression back into the normal world of bills and bus stops and job satisfaction. The magician’s job is not to get lost in the Otherworld but to bring back its treasures for everyone to play with.
Grant Morrison, Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick and the Occult (New York: The Disinformation Company Ltd., 2003), 18.
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