Happy holidays DMT world friends. I see wonderful things in store for us all in the coming year. Prepare yourself to be blessed and the blessings will flow. Believe it and claim it. I see blessings of peace, protection, and power. There are some candles lit in here, I'm sure I'm not the only one burning the midnight oil. What a year 2024 was! I lost a lot of sleep. Times are changing fast. People are waking up. I can see the coming age, the meek shall inherit the earth. The glory of the kingdom of light will come down from the highest heaven to restore the earth to a paradise and root out the evil and wicked that ruin everything for everyone. Yahshua and his elect, the chosen ones, the holy and righteous brothers and sisters, they will rule the world and they will rule all the people of faith and they will rule the world with rods of iron and swords of fire. They will judge all flesh and angels and spirits with a perfect balance of justice and mercy. But first they must tell everyone the good news that Yahweh is supreme and by faith and grace Yahshua makes us one with Him. We are all Elohim, yet the ancient of days is the original source of all and we only have the gift of life thanks to our heavenly father. Not all of us are united as one. There are some inverted elements that do not mix with everything else that have to be eliminated to make a perfect whole holy unity. This is a time to reap what you sowed in the past. The reaper is coming for us all, so we should be wise and be ready for he could come at any moment. We live once then we're judged. It's a test this life... To see what you're made of. To see how tough you are. To see if you're worthy of becoming a child of Yahweh. The test is this. Will you take the talents and gifts you are given and use them to help yourself or to help others. Will you be fair and honest and decent or are you a lying snake that curses its own name? Will you love others as unconditionally as you love yourself? Will you love Yahweh and obey him? It's the way into your highest and best destinies. All other ways lead to death. Though loving and obeying Yahweh we inherit Eternal life and become united with the Most High. Supreme perfection and excellence beyond measure are the Rock of ages' signatures. Think of how perfectly and harmoniously all the plants grow together. Food chains and existence is all connected by the metatronic subspace, the probabilistic informational source code of reality. And then the oneness free from DMT because DMT oneness is fleeting but oneness sounds like silence and dreams. Sacred holy righteous divine unity and oneness are cosmic emotions and mental states that give one supernatural bliss and joy. Strive to maintain a constant awareness of the universe as a whole unified entity where you are a genius loci coalescing moment by moment in an infinite continuum of moments that has no beginning, no space or time, and no end because it's a circle. Round and round we go, where will we stop? Nobody knows.Have a great weekend friend.
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