on December 6, 2024
Awakening from the Centuries of Lies
It begins with a murmur,
a ripple across the vast, stagnant lake of obedience.
One voice rises, then another,
until the chorus grows too loud to ignore.
The old stories falter, their edges worn thin,
their once-unquestioned authority
crumbling like ancient stone under the weight of time.
For centuries, we sat at their feet,
fed their carefully crafted myths:
This is for your safety. This is for your good.
Trust us. Obey us. Sacrifice yourself to the machine.
And we did, generation upon generation,
while the machine grew fat
on the sweat of our backs,
the blood of our brothers,
the silence of our mothers.
But something changed.
Perhaps it was the light cracking through
the screens that once blinded us.
Perhaps it was the whispers
hidden in the wind,
in the dark corners of conversations.
Or perhaps it was the sheer weight of the lies
that became too heavy to carry,
too big to fit in the hollow spaces of our lives.
The truth is messy,
a tangled thread pulling apart
the tightly stitched tapestry they wove.
It reveals the hands that held the needle—
greedy hands, trembling with guilt,
their power built not on wisdom or strength,
but on fear, manipulation, and deceit.
We see now:
The wars they called righteous
were only profits made in blood.
The borders they drew
were only lines to divide us,
to pit us against one another
so we would never turn against them.
The laws they passed,
the ones they called justice,
were shackles in disguise,
chains that glittered just enough
to make us forget they bound us.
It is not an easy thing to wake up.
The light burns at first,
piercing through the fog of years.
There is anger—white-hot, unrelenting—
for the dreams stolen,
the lives wasted in service to their lies.
There is grief—deep and unyielding—
for the trust betrayed,
for the souls who died believing.
But there is also power in waking.
We rise, unsteady at first,
like newborns learning to walk,
then stronger, bolder,
until the streets hum with the rhythm of feet,
until the air vibrates with voices
that will no longer be silenced.
We see each other now, clearly.
No longer divided by their labels,
their flags, their ideologies.
We are not pawns,
not statistics in their reports,
not tools to build their empires.
We are the architects of a new world.
We tear down their monuments,
not to forget the past,
but to free the future.
We dismantle the systems
that once seemed unshakable,
brick by brick, lie by lie,
until the truth stands bare and unafraid.
And in the rubble of their deception,
we plant seeds of hope.
We learn to speak in the language of freedom,
to write stories that honor the many,
not glorify the few.
We learn that power is not taken,
but shared;
that truth is not given,
but discovered, together.
This awakening is not an end,
but a beginning.
The road is long, and the wounds are deep,
but we walk it with open eyes,
no longer bound by their chains,
no longer blinded by their lies.
And as we rise,
as the veil of centuries lifts,
we see a horizon not built for the few,
but for us all.
The truth was always there,
waiting patiently in the shadows.
Now, it stands in the light,
and so do we.
Dimension: 1024 x 1024
File Size: 1.86 Mb
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Holy shit HappyKB, did you write this? Very good!
Like December 7, 2024