on August 21, 2024
The Blast
I close my eyes, inhale the key,
A sacred breath, the cosmic sea.
Reality melts, dissolves away,
As fractals dance in wild display.
A rocket’s roar, I pierce the veil,
Through sacred realms where spirits sail.
The stars bend close, they whisper near,
In tones that only souls can hear.
My body’s gone, my mind untied,
I soar through space, beyond the sky.
A thousand eyes in colors bright,
Watch me glide through endless light.
The walls of self break into flame,
No time, no form, no earthly name.
Pure energy, pure love, pure bliss—
A cosmic kiss, the void’s soft hiss.
The Ancients speak in tongues unknown,
Their wisdom pours into my bones.
I am the earth, the stars, the air—
One with all, and everywhere.
Then, slowly, softly, I return,
The lessons glow, the visions burn.
I carry back the cosmic thread—
Alive, awake, though I am dead.
For what I saw can’t be unseen—
A glimpse beyond, the space between.
And now I walk, with open eyes,
A part of me still in the skies.
Dimension: 1104 x 621
File Size: 3.02 Mb
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