on June 21, 2024
Spent yesterday removing bees from a guys external wall. Well most of the time was removing the wall itself! And the asshole failed to tell me that the hive was above his window so i should have brought a tall ladder. It was intense, using his regular tiny ladder and barely reaching high enough to pry the siding and then the 2x4 wood off enough to reach in and carefully rip those honey combs out without killing the larvae or getting my ass stung to much through my bee suit. Not to mention I almost fell about 15 times and then the dude almost didn't pay me!
I told him I have 10 minutes left of work and I need payment now or I will leave and go home with the bees left over still there. I had a gun just in case he started any trouble. Not that I'd threaten him to get paid,but stupid people are crazy. I wanted to be prepared in case dude came at me.
Anyways, $125 was less than half what I should have gotten considering I had to do the job from a ladder ($300 minimum), but I barely even got that out of this cheap ass. 5 hours of work and an hour drive there and an hour to get back. Not too bad money still I guess, but I shouldn't have had to argue just to get it.
First image is after removing the siding and 2x4 lumber. The second and 3rd are after removing most of the hive. The last two images respectively are the before removing anything and the halfway through removing siding. I caught on camera one of the bees about to go into that tiny hole I pointed to with the arrow I drew. x) fun times.
Dimension: 675 x 1200
File Size: 106.46 Kb
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Like June 21, 2024