on May 31, 2024
Got one of these grow bags locally, instruction it are somewhat vague, do I inject it first then open it, what's the process? Anyone with some experience help me out here, I don't want to mess it up.
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Clean the bag around the injection port and where you will create your FAE with 70% iso or alcohol pad. Cover with micropore right afterwards.
Like June 2, 2024 Edited
yes SAB for injection and sterilization. It's easy to forget the steps when there are so many.
Like June 2, 2024
So I opened the bag up and here is what it looks like. I injected it into the little area and I still have the whole bag, all around, completely sealed, is that right?
Like June 8, 2024
Sounds good. Keep it sealed until it's fully colonized and then Introduce some fresh air. Either by opening it a couple times a day or cutting it open enough to let it some air, I'd cover the hole in micropore tape, if you're going to cut it. Good luck bruvs. Mush love
Like June 8, 2024