on May 16, 2024
So I had a plant that is obviously budding and took a hit from a falling object, so I cleaned the stem and slit it up and added rooting hormones. I'm hoping to keep it alive as a pet project. I'm afraid it will just herm and mess things up. Any thoughts? To be clear this is just a branch not the mother.
Dimension: 900 x 1200
File Size: 140.41 Kb
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It can be difficult to reroot from flowering stage you will want to give it 24/7 light to get it to revegitate. Even then the plant absorbs alot of phosphorus in the flowering stage witch can make it difficult to root as the stems absorb the phosphorus they become alot harder and callus. Anyways yea... View More
Like May 17, 2024
The wild part is I got these 3 herms this run on my porch to see what happens
Like May 17, 2024
Too bad they look beautiful
Like May 17, 2024
Like May 17, 2024