on April 30, 2024
Anyone have any experience with kundalini? Dmt recently lead me to a kundalini awakening and I’m curious to know if this has happened to anyone else.
Edit: it literally feels like firey snakes or serpents of energy moving through your body and opening up your chakras and clearing out blocked energies in your meridians. The diagram shows the pathways the energy flows through the body. It is a scientifically documented phenomenon and it is thought to be a step into a new direction evolutionarily speaking.
Perhaps we are changing from homo sapiens to homo spiritualis? Does it relay an edge in fitness? If so, it may become the next step towards reaching the pinnacle of creation, perhaps the omega point, or "perfection". Evolution can only go so far right? When does it end? What will humans look like ten years from now? One hundred? One thousand? Can we even begin to conceive how things will change over time? The rate of change seems to be increasing.
Dimension: 507 x 631
File Size: 54.79 Kb
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I have a dear friend who claims it saved his life. And he is a trustworthy (and skeptical) friend... I'll be following this thread.
Like May 1, 2024
The sensations you describe are familiar. I get the flowing of energy often if I here a Dharma talk that alignes with where i am on the journey or if I hear certain songs and also during some deeper meditations. I've just never looked into kundalini. There is so much language to attempt to translate... View More
Like May 2, 2024
my first sessions were done w the intent of receiving help or at least guidance..... Long story short I feel like it triggered a spiritual awakening and changed the world. Including my physical body, and I was definitely relating with Kundalini.
Like May 12, 2024
So I found out that there was more going on than just the Kundalini awakening. I did have some bad actors doing some negative energy work directed at me so I was dealing with both at the same time. I have heard of the Merkaba and I have heard of Drunvalo Melchizedek. Spiritual awakeni... View More
Like May 25, 2024