on August 5, 2019
Can I substitute fine/medium mix vermiculite for coarse for the coco choir and Verm substrate? If so how do the quantities change? I'm using 1 quart jars for spawn and I want to grow in a 60 ltr and 18 ltr monotub and I cannot seem to get coarse in my country. In other news spores arrived and are inoculated so man is happy.
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I don't even use verm anymore. I just use straight coir. But if u still wanna use verm either one will do
Like August 5, 2019
thanks bros. I've inoculated all 5 strains in 2 quart jars, now we wait.
Like August 6, 2019
*wait eagerly
Like August 7, 2019
Kesh. I have a question. Are u saying you emptied all 5 syringes into 2 quart jars. They gotta be awfully wet in there if u did. If u see standing water at the bottom of your jars your gonna have major problems
Like August 7, 2019
No I mean I put 1cc in 2 quart jars of each strain lol.
Like August 8, 2019