on January 21, 2024
Just finished Thich Nhat Hanhs book on anger.
If you have struggled with anger or in any way I would highly suggest it. It is a very simple and short read. It has helped immensely. My personal anger is very routed in my ego and the lack of compassionate understanding for it all. A part of my ego deeply craves perfection in its own point of view. It had continually created a negative energy inside me that I am beginning to see and understand. "Our anger or negative energies are much like a crying baby that seek compassion" war cannot be stopped with more war. Only peace, love and compassion can water the seeds we hope to experience in us all. It is interesting to turn this perception inward to ourselves. There is still much practice to be done but the way has been made. Time for mindful walking.
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Thich Nhat Hanh has a beautifully simple mind. But it's his simplicity that makes him so great
Like April 29, 2024