Shib Miester
on January 8, 2024
Twas recently gifted the glorious San Pedro cactus by my wonderful fiance. Looking forward to watching this beauty grow. Plan to extract some mescaline one day. I have no experience with mescaline. Anyone with some experience? Can you compare it to anything? Any Tek recommendations or advice? I hope everyone is doing wonderful. Mush love compadres!
Dimension: 897 x 1196
File Size: 212.53 Kb
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My favorite psychedelic. Nothing to compare it with it's truly its own spirit
Like January 8, 2024
Shib Miester
Lovely. Variety is the spice of life. I'm excited for the journey. Any idea how long it may take until im able to start harvesting? Have you performed an extraction?
Like January 8, 2024
You have a long time before you need to start thinking about harvesting. I have never performed a chemical extraction because I have never wanted to. The cactus experience is different from plant to plant because of secondary alkaloids, but the first time I tripped on it I decided it was perfect and... View More
Like January 8, 2024
Shib Miester
I figured it would be a while. I more enjoyed the thought of caring for and observing such a mystical plant. I love the presence of plant life and thought if I could have the experience via a cactus I grew and cared for, that would make it even more special. The wait would add to the sentimental val... View More
Like January 8, 2024 Edited