on December 3, 2023
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It does in many ways. As absolutely everything is energetically connected, if we make something that puts someone down we get dragged down with them and the opposite also happens. The nature of the energy released is the same nature of the reality experienced. When we do things unconsciously we have... View More
Like December 4, 2023
I like to believe it happens. It may not occur within the realm of my own awareness but it's like paying it forward. When I help people all I wish is that it inspires them to do the same. Which for those of us who have been helped by another especially the people we didn't have any previous connecti... View More
Like December 4, 2023 Edited
By the way, physically everything is also circular. We can perceive it on days, years, seasons, atoms, orbits, galaxies... From micro to macro, as above as below. 2665.png
Like December 4, 2023
As within so without.
Like December 4, 2023