on November 7, 2023
Dimension: 723 x 1085
File Size: 246.98 Kb
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ayy those lil kritters are cute as heck man! If that's what the fairies/goblins look like that live in my cacti, that means I gotta go meet them soon!
Like November 9, 2023
I hope you do man. There is a lot to gain by visiting with these dudes. I guess they eat stuff like fear and doubt because when they're gone it seems like they take those negatons with them
Like November 9, 2023
hell yeah man, soon I think. I've slowly been working on reducing the fear I've been having towards visiting the other side. Did some K last week that gave me such a profound experience that now has me less afraid to trip. Shit dude if I can handle an eternity in a purgatory type fractal dark matter... View More
Like November 9, 2023
That is exactly what happened to me from my last k experience or 2. We might be blood brothers
Like November 9, 2023