on November 4, 2023
Well my grow attempt failed, developed overlay and wouldn't pin. Might be because the spores were old. I did get one viable shroom from it and took a spore print. Put that on agar and it seems to be doing okay. Hoping that using fresher spores will work better than the last attempt.
Dimension: 900 x 675
File Size: 59 Kb
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I'm afraid that I'm getting overlay or stroma on some of my genetics too SMH. I'm going to wait it out a little longer and if no pins still ill probably try and fork tek the tubs but idk. I've never had this problem before.
Like November 4, 2023
I've had it a couple of times, but still got pins no problem, and would fork tek between flushes. So hopefully your shrooms are fine, fingers crossed
Like November 5, 2023