on October 12, 2023
I have been having a reoccurring thought lately about psychedelics being for healing and meditation being for raising our consciousness. It often feels like there is some sort of perfection to be striving for or that we are all not just fine the way we are. I have realized that it has birthed a new fire that has fueled a frustration and confusion. That I feel is finally begun to fade away. Psychedelics do so much more for us than just heal and meditation can be so much more than a source of improvement. I really had to separate myself from my spiritual practices to fully realize it.
I often speak answers before they ever actually click in my own mind. I can always advise people how to improve their life but it never meant that I am doing it all myself. Psychedelics showed me this connection or awareness. Time to start it all again and discover more new twisted paths off thought patterns. Getting by on just trying to enjoy life no matter what it brings
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Like October 17, 2023