on September 19, 2023
I recently started doing mycology and have poured and innoculated my first agar plates. I used 400 ml water, 12g potato flakes, 8g agar - agar, 4g of corn syrup and 5 drops of orange food coloring. I brought it to a boil and let it cook while I read instructions that said immediately remove from heat. I hurriedly removed it from the heat and poured it in a media bottle. I pressure cooked the bottle at 15 psi for 20 minutes. Then I poured my cups in my home made fume hood and let them sit overnight. I innoculated in the hood using spore swabs of 3 species. All the cups have this except the cup I did not inncoulate as control. Any idea of whats going on?
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You have the mean green, toss and start over, your sterile technique is very important. So either you introduced it yourself somehow or it was introduced via dirty swabs. Do you have a fume hood or a flow hood, they are two different things!?
Like September 19, 2023
Ok, thank you
Like September 19, 2023
I have a vertical laminar flow hood.
Like September 19, 2023