on September 9, 2023
Preparing a solidly average dose of my favorite plant. (For those who do not know this is Yopo and it contains bufotenine and 5-MEO-DMT
Dimension: 1200 x 675
File Size: 161 Kb
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How do you prepare this?
Like September 10, 2023
@juggaLo820 whoop whoop! It is a long bit simple process which involves cooking the seeds in a skillet until they pop them removing the outer shell, then you grind the center up very finely and mix it with a small amount of calcium hydroxide, drop a very small amount of water in the mixture and mix ... View More
Like September 10, 2023
Fuck yea Whoop Whoop brotha I'm excited to try that
Like September 10, 2023
I recommend doing a bit of research, the experience is pretty harsh and painful on your nose. Definitely worth trying though.
Like September 10, 2023