on September 1, 2023
I just realized i never shared these photos with my DMTWorld family. Got bee hives in May and began giving myself bee venom therapy. Stinging myself intentionally on a cyst, which has shrunk considerably. It improves my outlook on life, mood, energy levels, and apparently immune system too among other things.
Bee venom therapy is used for tresting arthritis by triggering the body to create more cortisol and MS very effectively by giving the immune system the venom to attack instead of attacking itself. I'm doing it for the other reasons mentioned, but those are the most interesting things that it treats.
I should be collecting honey soon. Haven't checked in them in a while, I think I'll ask the queen for another small sacrifice to sting this cyst again.
I swear there is some sort of intelligient communication between the hive and me. I honestly think that the queen spoke to me. I was really stoned, but I heard a voice tell me to just roll up my sleeve and the bee will sting me, instead of grabbing the bee with tweezers. I grabbed the sleeve and almost was going to roll it up, and a beecame and began hovering around the arm waiting for the skin to be exposed. I was unable to surrender to the idea that it would sting the correct spot that i circled with sharpie, so instead I did my thing with the tweezers. If it doesnt sting the cyst, my whole are gets swollen for a few days and itches a ton. If the venom goes into the cyst, it only itches for a 2 inch diameter centered at the cyst (as opposed to 12 in diameter)
So yeah. I love bees. :) it is so intense and cool to hear the whole hive greet me (probably with annoyance) when they all buzz at a higher frequency when I take off the hive lid. ❤❤
Mush love you all.
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Now that is some interesting stuff!
Like September 2, 2023