on August 11, 2023
"The psychoactive use of Pituri is probably the longest continuous use of a psychoactive substance in the history of humanity. The ancestors of today's Aborigines (Australia) chewed Pituri 40,000 to 60,000 years ago.
Pituri refers in the broadest sense to all plants or plant materials with additional ingredients that are used for hedonistic or magical purposes by the Australian Aborigines. Generally, the term Pituri refers to a plant from the nightshade family, Duboisia Hopwoodii.
Pitori removed hunger and thirst and induces intense dreams...In the Aboriginal magic, entering the dream state, the transcendent primal condition of being, is an essential concept. This dream state is an altered state of consciousness.
In this dream state, all magical processes and acts affect the "normal consciousness". "
In 'Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers by Richard Schultes, Albert Hofmann, and Christian Rätsch'
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Joey Green
All I can say is ..... Nicotine is one helluva drug! Lol Seems like in every form of nicotines plant manifestation global wide both in contemporary times as well as historically .... cultures tend to seek it out for use.... View More
Like August 12, 2023 Edited