on July 30, 2023
mama mia metaphysics
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This is just a ideology of someone you have chakras in your hands that it leaves out
Like August 2, 2023
@Dragonhighpriest yes there are things that aren't there.. its a little misguided to say that, this is just an example of someone who connected the dots from multiple metaphysical topics and organized it in a pretty cohesive compressed format, this single image harbors so much dense information that... View More
Like August 2, 2023
I agree but everyone always a little different so I'm not saying it's bad I'm just saying learn from it don't use it as fact or baseline but I wish there where more believers in spirit then in matter so we could get the most accurate model for baseline
Like August 3, 2023
@Dragonhighpriest I think it would be dope to have a global "goto" framework and education for all this stuff as it would even save lives but we know that it's extremely unlikely as this type of info is usually suppressed by wicked powerful groups who want to keep their power
Like August 4, 2023