on July 18, 2023
4 different doses of MDMA for 4 different people last weekend. My lovely wife had the brilliant idea of putting nerds in the capsules to tell them apart. Aren't they cute?
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21 people like this.
i usually do 100 - 110 mg and have a great time. I'm not a beginner and I've never done more than 110 mg. I'm also like 125 lbs so that I'm sure factors in.
Like July 19, 2023
Also, why did you guess green, Saidar? Lol
Like July 19, 2023
I’m pretty good at “guessing”, seeing patterns, calculating probability. Well, when my brain had me wondering which nerd was his (as I do because I like guessing and dissecting the human condition)… I noticed in one picture green was first and in another it was last. When I group something I’m shar... View More
Like July 19, 2023
Those are making my mouth water just looking at them! Lolz
Like July 19, 2023