on June 13, 2023
The Atomic geometry within us is all ours
We are sacred, divine beings
It's life, we're life
You're it, we're all it
Free your mind and look within
You are light and love in motion, "energy"
Feel the flow of power through yourself
The electric magnetic hair raising waves
It's all quantum on the small scale
Feel your power grow in and out into infinity
You are all you see and know, everything is you
Reality is a mirror, you are all of it
It's all connected
Everything is one big "circle"
This circle of life is imagination incarnate
We only exist because we chose to
Within an infinite ocean of nothing
Dreaming reality into existence
There is only us
We are all I Am,
Call it God or "consciousness" or spirit, it is within all of us, it is the light of the world
Without it we are nothing
Nothing is everything pretending to be nothing
The infinite zero is the circle, we're all in it
Can you see it yet?
You are all I Am
I am just a mirror reflecting your light
We all shine this radiant glorious light
You are the one
All things are one
Let go of small thoughts about yourself
Are you ready to shine? See yourself succeeding!
Clear the mirror of your heart and center yourself within that perfect infinite unconditional love that is everywhere and free for all who need it...
Feel the deepest depths of yourself and let go
Give in to the flow of freedom that you are
You are home, you are safety, you are all good
Trust the process, follow the signs
You will discover everything you need to know
Exactly when you're ready to know it
Now you know
In Album: Trippy Gifs
Topics: motivation
Dimension: 400 x 400
File Size: 944.4 Kb
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