on May 20, 2023
I have 3 box's all look like this been colonized there ama,onions why aren't they pinning and is this aireal growth bc of to high humidity not 1st grow just am kinda like wtf am I being impatient or am I doing something wrong no I fan like 1-2 times a day I stopped misting cause though they were to moist so if anyone could help pleas
Dimension: 897 x 1196
File Size: 204.98 Kb
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Ty and I did it's at 70 or 71 so how Lil lower
Like May 20, 2023
Just a Lil lower I ment
Like May 20, 2023
Thanks guys
Like May 20, 2023
Looks great to me. Arial mycelium is mycelium stretching toward more oxygen. Maybe a little fanning might help to displace co2 and bring in more oxygen.
Like May 20, 2023