DMT Researcher
on May 19, 2023
That DMTx moderator Andrew Gallimore considers these to be bizarre realms filled with bizarre beings, whilst not inaccurate, shows DMTx has not yet gotten behind the mystery; and come to appreciate this ineffable otherworldly glamour is imposed upon a psychonaut’s psychedelicized perception by entities (spiritual creatures well known within esoteric and occult literature) exercising phenomenal powers of volition and imagination. DMT & My Occult Mind 3 (book)
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Following this closely - thanks. I guess Andrew is just trying to take the scientific approach- I imagine his personal feelings are a little more mysterious.
Like May 19, 2023
DMT Researcher
Can agree with you on that. Science will ultimately have to consider the ontology of entheogenic realities - and they being invisible, immeasurable, uncapturable etc., that should make for interesting evolution of the discipline. Would much prefer if Andrew spoke about his own experiences with the m... View More
Like May 19, 2023 Edited
I watched one of his podcasts where he said it's impolite to visit entities for only 5 minutes. He says you should stay there for a while and try to communicate with them.
Like May 21, 2023
I registered and I can’t wait
Like May 22, 2023