Im a just a FKING little scared girl or is DMT really as intense as I experience it. I built a emesh that works beautiful but I’m so scared to just SEND IT!!!! I’ve been hitting a cart instead. I really wanna breakthrough but the BODY LOAD I get is Insane. It feels like every atom of my body just got hooked to a 900v battery… gosh I wish I had more courage.I am very disappointed in myself…..
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The body load is rough on me too. Here is the good news. You only get the body load on small and medium doses. Once you blast off it feels like you leave your body, and that body load goes away. When you return to your body you will probably still be tripping harder than you have on mush or acid, b... View More
February 24, 2023

And it is the most intense thing I have ever experienced. I thought I was scared my first time, but once you know what you are in for the fear just gets worse.
February 24, 2023

Wow ok awesome yea that’s why I was wondering if it’s like that a breakthrough doses as well. Now i just gotta muster up the courage to actually go for it rofl.
February 24, 2023
DrRickStrassmansNewphew let me know what you think please when you get the chance or leave a comment under it. I appreciate you bro!
February 24, 2023