T rex ophora
on February 8, 2023
Hey dw family! I know I’m not as active on social media as I once was but I still feel connected to this fantastic tribe! I’m working on a coding project that has to do with chemistry and I’m in need of other psychedelic chemistry nerds to help get this thing as close to realistic as I can. I’d like to set up a couple meetings with other interested parties to discuss some details I want to ensure I’m getting right. I don’t want to completely spill the beans but this is a project that’s bringing together VR, AR, chemistry, and psychedelic visuals. If those things interest you please respond to this message and I’ll be in touch! Big love at you all!
Dimension: 900 x 1200
File Size: 219.81 Kb
9 people like this.
I love VR!
Like February 8, 2023
Yo you climb?
Like February 8, 2023
Hey man, sounds like a dope project. I might be able to help with the chemistry, depending on your questions of course
Like February 8, 2023