on July 28, 2019
Need to goto the ear doctor
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This is from cleaning my nail for the last 2 years or so. Trying to find best way to re-extract(?) It out of them. But ya know, I've never had an ear infection. And q tips are definitely weird but I've used them all my life lol. I wanna try them spiral things. Very thankful for my ears and what the... View More
Like July 28, 2019
Soak em in alcohol, possibly use a mesh so all the oil can separate, remove all the ear buds (q tips). Let the alcohol evaporate from the solution by popping it in the oven for about 30 minutes, 200°F should work. Afterwards, place on a heat mat and allow the rest of the alcohol to dissolve, you'll ... View More
Like July 29, 2019