on September 28, 2022
In case you didnt know. A lot of us mods and admins fight to keep the community safe from thieves and scammers. This guy stealing photos caught my eye and upon review found he had a lot of scams going on... Slither around doing shady shi^ and we will catch you and Ill have fun doing it. Be careful trust those who are trusted by the community. Be doubly careful as this person is still lurking in this community
Dimension: 1200 x 675
File Size: 112.14 Kb
15 people like this.
Looks like my guy is getting more attention from that Facebook group as well.
Like September 30, 2022
Keep up the good work Brett. You are appreciated
Like September 30, 2022 Edited
Ok so after I outed this guy on fb. I get these random friend requests on both platforms on the same day... ie this is who stole the photos...
Like October 3, 2022
whodat420 I'm a mod/admin of several fb groups, not here on DW but I'll still f with the scammers
Like October 3, 2022 Edited