on September 27, 2022
I don’t say much and I really should say more as you all seem wonderful souls. Hi my name is Andy, I use other names for my art and music etc, such as Ralph Jolly and Anonymous3. This is my latest ai/digital art piece. Always love x
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 598.35 Kb
10 people like this.
Hi Andy, ur art is cool. Thanks for share. What kind of music are u making?
Like September 27, 2022
This is splendid, it's nice to meet you and I hope we get the privaledge to see more of your art and indulge in some music as well.
Like September 27, 2022
Support is wonderful thank you. This is one of my favourites. https://on.soundcloud.com/92qHXBmgezQDtvwQA
Like September 27, 2022
I wouldn't mind seeing that on a psychedelic. Very cool art
Like September 28, 2022