on August 15, 2022
Admiring tree spirits and visualising the stories they have to tell. I never paid attention to trees and nature as much as I did previously before using dmt. We become distracted in the business of our lives and become untuned from our mother.
Dimension: 780 x 1040
File Size: 143.1 Kb
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I like to take Shrooms at home and force myself to walk outside and act normal with my dog. In the end I realize that I'm connected to nature and that the time I spend with my dog is some of the most meaningful times I will ever have. Looking forward to doing another journey soon. Hopefully with a c... View More
Like August 15, 2022
I love that... if I could have a pet where I live I would . I miss my cat shadow. She was my shadow I felt so safe around her and at peace at home. My only other place I feel completely at home is with nature.
Like August 15, 2022